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PKR 36000


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  1. New generation energizer that can be used as a simple security fencing energizer, but can also be a alarm panel, there is alarm input for gate magnetic contacts or Infrared detector or other kind of sensor and detector with NO/NC output.

  2. LCD or LED indicate the zone ID\ the working state \ the voltage of live wire.

  3. The intelligent fault detection system (FD tech),LCD shows the energizer problem directly , make the warranty more easy .

  4. Different voltage switch manually (0,2,5,8,10kv), long-distance equipment auto switch function.

  5. RS 485 communication protocol offer long distance management solution.

  6. Remote control(wireless) makes the arming or disarming easily from any place.

  7. Mobile massage control(SMS) is available(module option).

  8.  DC12V, NC/NO dry contact alarm output (Relay output), can work with other modern security products.

  9. Spacious space is enough for 4 Ah back up lead acid battery. Intelligent battery management will protect battery effectively.

  10.   Multi power supply function make the energizer working at all kind of poor power condition, 

    1. Mains AC110-240V, Battery or Solar panel with DC12V (Need to customize).

  11.   Water/fire proof casing .


    Electrical specification

    1.    Input: AC110-240V or DC18V or DC12V

    2.    Output peak voltage:2KV10KV 

    4.    Pulse duration: ≤0.1s

    5.    Pulse interval time: 1.3s

    6.    Max energy of output:2.0 / 5.0

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