Relative: radic
Service Cycle: 0.1% -99.9%
Test diode: radic
The continuity timbre: radic
Full symbol screen: radic
Sleep: radic
Indication of low battery: radic
Measuring the input impact: 10 MOmega
Data retention : radic
Auto range: radic
Backlit LCD screen: radic
Lighting: radic
maximum: 3999Max jaw size: 40mm
DC voltage: 400mV / 4 V / 40 V / 400 V / 600 V plusmn (0.8% + 1)
AC voltage: 4 V / 40 V / 400 V / 600 V plumn (1.2% + 5)
Alternating current: 400A / 1000A plusmn (2% + 5)
Resistance: 400Omega/ 4 KOmega/ 40 K /Omega/ 400 KOmega/ 4 MOmega/ 40 MOmegaPlumn (1% + 2)
Capacitance: 40nF / 400nF / 4muF / 40MuF / 200MuF plumn (3% + 5)
Frequency: 10Hz ~ 10 MHz plusmn (0.1% + 3)
Temperature (C): – 40C ~ 1000C plusmn (1% + 3)
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