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PKR 14500

2-Wire Photoelectric Smoke Detector;
IR photoelectric sensor;
Power supply non-polarized input;
Relay alarm output;
More info

SKU: #


 Main Features:

1. Photoelectric - ideal for detecting smouldering fire

2. 2-wire, 4-wire connection

3. Wide operating voltage range; Power supply non-polar

4. MCU Processing; High resistance to false alarms

5. Compatible with general fire alarm control panels

6. Ceiling/wall mountable

7. Red LED indicates that the detector is operating properly and alarm mode

8. Power-Off reset; Remote LED Indicator (2 Wire) 

9. Alarm relay N.C. or N.O optional (4 Wire)

10. Stainless steel shield in chamber; Anti-RFI

11. Installing base compatiable with Heiman HM-612Series smoke detector and HM-203Series heat detector



Technical Specifications:


Network type

 2 Wire


4 Wire


Operating voltage DC 10~30V
Standby current 20uA

4mA (relay N.O.)

13mA (relay N.C.)

Alarm current

35mA @ DC12V

83mA @DC24V

19mA (relay N.O.)

9mA (relay N.C.)

Alarm indication Red LED ON
Temperature range -10 °C  ~ +50 °C
Humidity Humidity ≤ 95%RH (No Condensation)
Alarm output Remote LED Relay Output
Contact rating N/A 0.1A@DC28V
Execute criterion EN-54-7, UL268
Dimension Φ100 * 46mm






















1 HM-613PC2 Download

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